Robert J Price's Obituary

Robert J Price Industrial Designer

And now more about my dad. He passed away on April 11, 2014 after a long battle with cancer.

Robert J Price was born in Columbus, OH on August 30, 1925, son of the late Karl and Margaret (McCoy). My grandfather was a Union Representative for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway and they moved him to Richmond, VA. Unfortunately for my dad, the kids in his new school picked on him since he was from the north, the confederate loss still on their minds. However, my grandparents became very active in their Presbyterian church and the family made close friends there. One of my dad's first jobs was at the railway which soon convinced him that he was not made to be a clerk.

My grandfather was an avid sportsman, a hunter, fisherman and loved photography. He had a few hunting dogs outside which worked out fine in a Virginia climate. Character as we called him was very resourceful. He kept a car going during the deep recession by charging rides to his coworkers. He and my grandmother, known as Gram a stay at home mom after a career as a nurse, were very proud of their son hoping he would be a doctor or an accountant when he grew up. My dad, a very cerebral kid opposite of my grandfather, preferred to a good book to tramping through the woods looking for unsuspecting prey to shoot.

Being artistic he began his college journey at the Richmond Professional Institute of Art studying fine art. Then he headed out to the University of Cincinnati for a mechanical engineering degree. His education was interrupted by World War II and he enlisted with the Air Force as an aviation cadet. After the war was won, he decided to combine his interest in art with engineering and headed to New York City to Pratt Institute. There he pursued an industrial design degree. It was an exciting time for the nation emerging from a world war and a young man who was suddenly immersed in the artistic hub of the world.

Here is the link to his obituary


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