When Charles Butler Associates Was Founded

Charles Wilfred Butler - Industrial Designer

Charles Butler had recently split with Zimmerman when my dad went to work for him. 

The announcement of the new firm, Charles Butler Associates, was published in the April 18, 1955 Aviation Week article. "Charles Butler Associates is the new name of the industrial design organization formerly known as Butler-Zimmerman, Inc. BZ handled interior design for TCA's and Capital Airlines' Vickers Viscounts. Charles Butler heads the new firm. Address: 19 E. 53rd St., New York, N.Y."

The new firm did work both in the US and abroad. My dad headed up the Charles Butler Associates UK branch called, Charles Butler Associates Design for Industry Limited, for two years from 1958-1960. More on this can be found in Patrick O'Shea's thesis for the Kingston University London, https://eprints.kingston.ac.uk/37254/


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